Curl Import

This document provides a straightforward guide on using cURL to import Postman collections into 200 OK, ensuring a quick and efficient integration process.

Code from Postman

  • Launch the Postman application and ensure you have the collection and request you want to export.

  • In the request details, locate the "Code" button.

  • Click on it to reveal the available code snippets.

  • From the code snippet options, choose "cURL" as your preferred format.

  • Once cURL is selected, a code snippet representing the cURL command will be displayed.

  • Click on the "Copy to Clipboard" button to copy the entire cURL command.

Import of Curl into 200 OK

  • Open 200 OK and locate for the Curl Import .

  • Click on the Curl Import a pop up will be open.

  • Provide the Channel Name. Input your Curl within the Curl script. Click on Import.

  • On click on the Import it will create the channel successfully

By following these steps, you can easily obtain the cURL in to the 200 OK.

Last updated