
invokeFlow() function is the Standard function available in 200OK.

Description : The invokeFlow function executes a designated Auto Launched Flow and retrieves the output value. Essential parameters include the flow name (mandatory) and the output variable (mandatory).

Syntax : fx_invokeFlow(<Flow Name>,<input1>-<value1>,<input2>-<value2>, ... ,<Output Variable>)

Example : fx_invokeFlow(Sample_Flow,Company-CEPTES,City-Banglore,outputVar)` demonstrates its usage, where 'Sample_Flow' is called with input parameters 'Company' and 'City', yielding the result in the 'outputVar' variable.

Here we go with simple scenario using the above function.

Scenario : In a business process automation system, administrators aim to streamline data processing workflows by invoking predefined flows. Using the fx_invokeFlow function, they trigger specific flows with relevant input parameters and capture resulting output for further processing.

Autolaunched Flow :

Response Side :

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