
sha256() function is the Standard function available in 200OK.

Description : The fx_sha256 function computes the SHA256 hash of the input string, resulting in a 64-character hexadecimal representation. This cryptographic hash function provides a secure means of encryption and data integrity verification.

Syntax : fx_sha256(string)

Example : when applied to the string 'data', fx_sha256('data') returns '3a6eb0790f39ac87c94f3856b2dd2c5d110e6811602261a9a923d3bb23adc8b7'.

Here we go with simple scenario using the above function.

Scenario : In a cybersecurity application, sensitive information undergoes a secure hashing process to safeguard against unauthorized access or tampering. Utilizing a cryptographic hash function, the system converts input strings into a fixed-size hash value, enhancing data integrity and confidentiality. For instance, applying the hashing algorithm to the string 'data' yields a 64-character hexadecimal representation, fortifying data security protocols.

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