Global variables for Data Mapping

Patterns used to bind and/or fetch the data from the SF org and make the request URL, param, header and body dynamic. Below mentioned are the patterns with syntax:


Used to fetch the field value from the specified record. We need to pass RecordId in the simulator section. Ex - {!Name}, {!Pan_Card_Number__c}


Returns the value present at the given index. The data needs to be passed in ICChannelRequest requestPayload field while calling from Apex Class or in the simulator the fields need to pass in the query param, request payload or request header.


Current User’s any fields can be passed to the request param, header and body payload.

Pattern4={!$Organization.Name}Organization object fields can be passed to the request param, header and body payload.


Returns the value of the field present in the custom setting object.

Pattern6={!$CustomMetadata.Custom _metadata object name.CustomMetadataType RecordName__mdt.CustomFieldName}

Return the value of the field present in the custom metadata type object.

Pattern7={!$RecordId} Fetch/store the records specified in the recordId field.


Returns the Id (unique Id) of the log which gets generated once the channel is executed

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