
invokeETL() function is the Standard function available in 200OK.

Description : The fx_etl function facilitates ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) operations with parameters including ETL API Name, Subtype, RecordId, and Custom JSON. RecordId and Custom JSON are optional. Subtypes like E (Extract), T (Transform), ET (Extract & Transform), TL (Transform & Load), and ETL (Default) determine the specific operation.

Syntax : fx_etl(ETL_API_Name,Subtype,RecordId,CustomJSON)

Example : fx_etl("Sales_Extract","ET", "001G00000123456789",{"filter":"active"}) initiates an Extract & Transform operation for the 'Sales_Extract' ETL API, using the specified RecordId '001G00000123456789' and Custom JSON data to filter active records.

Here we go with simple scenario using the above function.

Scenario : In a corporate data hub, analysts automate ETL tasks using fx_etl to integrate sales data from diverse sources. With customizable parameters like Subtype and Custom JSON, they ensure seamless extraction, transformation, and loading processes for centralized analytics.


Transform data

Run the Channel

Last updated